Responsum for Menopause

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Everyday Health

Everyday Health

Foods to Keep Your Menopausal Body Healthy and Satisfied

Foods to Keep Your Menopausal Body Healthy and Satisfied

Learn how to relieve menopause symptoms and stave off health complications with these seven foods.

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The journey through menopause brings about various physiological changes that can impact dietary needs. With muscle loss and a slowing metabolism, women undergoing menopause require fewer calories, yet maintaining adequate nutrient intake is essential. Erin Coates, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, says that with portion control and mindful eating, certain foods can help manage weight, mitigate symptoms, and reduce the risk of chronic conditions during both peri- and post-menopause.*

Protective foods for optimum midlife health

While there are many healthy foods that can support overall health and vitality, Coates mentions seven foods in particular that are beneficial given the hormonal and nutritional changes that characterize menopause.

  • Fortified yogurt. Rich in vitamin D and calcium, fortified yogurt supports bone health and maintains vital bodily systems like muscles, heart, and nerves. Given that natural vitamin D sources are limited, fortified foods play a key role.
  • Lean protein. Beans, chicken, fish, legumes, and turkey, provide lean protein that help you feel satisfied, aiding weight management by reducing the likelihood of overeating. Protein also helps preserve muscle mass, especially in conjunction with exercise.
  • Salmon. High in omega-3s and healthy fats, salmon offers benefits such as mood enhancement and inflammation reduction. Omega-3s may help alleviate mood swings during menopause, and vitamin B12 contributes to neurotransmitter regulation.
  • Water. Proper hydration is necessary for life, but is especially vital during menopause, as dehydration can exacerbate menopause symptoms. A simple visual aid to help you keep track of your intake is to mark a water bottle with rubber bands or a marker.
  • Spinach. As a magnesium-rich food, spinach supports enzyme function, blood pressure regulation, and muscle and nerve activity. Magnesium deficiency may amplify stress and anxiety, while magnesium intake may aid relaxation and insomnia relief.
  • Almonds. Combining protein and fiber, almonds promote fullness and digestive health. They also provide calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E, benefiting bone health and potentially mitigating mild hot flashes.
  • Quinoa. A whole grain rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, and magnesium, quinoa is a nutritional powerhouse. Its gluten-free nature and high nutritional value make it an excellent addition to your menopausal diet.

Coates underscores the importance of individualized dietary approaches, focusing on overall health while indulging in occasional treats. “Eat for health first,” she says. “It’s okay to have a cookie or ice cream, but maybe start with a fresh salad with some salmon on top and some nuts.” 

She’s also a proponent of mindful eating, stressing that it aids digestion and can help you feel satisfied even when eating smaller portions. “Sit down, turn off distractions,” she suggests, “slow down, and savor your food.” 

*Upham, B. (2023, June 14). 7 Healthy Foods Women Should Eat During Menopause. Everyday Health.

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